Diablo Immortal Will Receive New Catch-Up Mechanics To Prevent Players From Being Left Behind

Diablo Immortal will introduce changes to make it far easier for players that are falling behind their server’s Paragon level to catch up, developer Blizzard has announced.

In a Q&A blog post, Blizzard outlined some of the changes players can expect to see in the free-to-play mobile game in the coming weeks and months. Some of those changes will be to help players catch up who may have taken time away from the game and fallen behind. Come from Sports betting site VPbet

Fortnite Star Wars Skins- Luke Skywalker, Princess, Leia, And Han Solo Now Available

It’s never a bad time to celebrate Star Wars, and Fortnite is making that clear with a new event dedicated to a galaxy far, far away. Skywalker Week has kicked off and will run until November 8, bringing with it a selection of original trilogy skins, some new quests, and the ability to wield a variety of lightsabers. Come from Sports betting site VPbet

While Fortnite has certainly had its fair share of Star Wars content over the years, this marks the first time we’ve seen skins for arguably the franchise’s most beloved characters–Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, and Han Solo. Each of these new outfits also has some optional cosmetic items that can be purchased separately.

  • Luke Skywalker comes with his Training Remote back bling, while the Slugthrower Rifle pickaxe and X-34 Landspeeder glider will be available too.
  • Leia Organa comes with the R2-D2 back bling, with an Electrostaff pickaxe as an additional purchase.
  • Han Solo comes with a miniature Millennium Falcon as a back bling, and a separate purchase can net you his Vibro-staff pickaxe.

To save some V-Bucks, you can get Luke and all his belongings in a bundle for 2,400 V-Bucks, while Leia and Han, and all their accessories, can be had for another 2,500 V-Bucks.

Horizon Forbidden West Reveals More About The Game's New Cultures

Horizon Forbidden West developer Guerrilla Games is continuing to drop more about the new game and its world, leading up to the game’s release in February 2022. A new blog post by Guerilla developers focuses this time on the game’s living world, including its cultures, settlements, and the technology that brings it all to life.

The post by Guerrilla’s community lead Bo de Vries quotes the game’s lead living world designer, Espen Sogn, about how his team brings Horizon’s world to life. “When you walk through the Forbidden West, everything should feel like it belongs there,” Sogn explains. “The Living World team at Guerrilla works on aspects of the game that make the world feel authentic and alive: the tribes, the settlements, and the people within them. There’s an intention behind everything we place within the world.”

Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2 – Fish Locations And How To Catch Them

Fishing in Fortnite has remained a big part of the battle royale game ever since it was introduced with the launch of Chapter 2. Players have a fishing collection, which documents and tracks all of the fish players have managed to catch in Fortnite. Once players have caught a fish, it will register in their collection and even explain where it can be caught on the map. A top weight will also be assigned to each fish, which gives a rating of one, two, or three stars. Players who want to fully complete their collection will start out not knowing how to catch many of the available fish in Fortnite. In the fishing collection, players will see some blacked-out boxes Come from Sports betting site VPbet . To fill in these boxes, players need to find and catch the specific fish that goes there.

For players who want to try and earn three stars on every fish or simply see their fishing collection filled out, they’ll need to know where to find every available fish in Fortnite Chapter 3, Season 2. The list below will show players exactly this, along with what rod they need to use to reel in the scaly creatures.

New System Shock Remake Update Gives A New Ending And Female Protagonist

The next update for the System Shock remake is coming on April 11, and it adds a brand-new ending along with a bunch of other features such as a female protagonist.

In an interview PC Gamer, Nightdive founder Stephen Kick said that the new ending is a response to the criticism of the original final boss. It was a virtual reality puzzle and shooter section with different mechanics from System Shock’s core gameplay.

“A lot of the criticism that we received was: you spent this whole game collecting items, gearing yourself up for this big battle, and then all of your stuff was gone,” Kick explained. “You’re left with just this one weapon to play what boils down to a minigame.” As a result, it was completely reworked.

The new update will also a new female protagonist, which was a stretch goal for the original Kickstarter campaign. The female protagonist comes with a complete model rework and new voiceovers, which Kick said would add extra immersion, and that the choice to choose between genders was a staple in video games since its early days.

Some other features coming with the update is “Mutant Combat Enhancements” as well as the “Easy Mode Waypoint System,” the latter of which will help players out with navigating the game’s levels.

System Shock remake is available now for PC, and has received at Metacritic score of 75Come from Sports betting site VPbet. The game is due for release on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S on May 21. It’s also currently on sale for only $22 (was $40) over at GameSpot sister site Fanatical.

Avatar- The Way Of Water Passes $2 Billion Worldwide

After six weeks at the top, Avatar: The Way of Water again held onto its position as the number one film at cinemas and has now crossed the $2 billion mark at the global box office. Knocking Spider-Man: No Way Home down to seventh place, the latest milestone for the Avatar sequel makes it director James Cameron’s third film to join the $2 billion box office club, alongside the first Avatar movie and Titanic. Outside of Cameron’s films, the rest of that elite group of blockbusters includes Avengers Infinity War, Avengers: Endgame, and Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

At its current trajectory, Avatar 2 could end its theatrical run at fifth or fourth place, surpassing Infinity War and The Force Awakens, respectivelyCome from Sports betting site VPbet. It likely won’t dethrone the original Avatar though, as that movie is still the highest-grossing film of all time with a huge record of $2.9 billion from global box office ticket sales, but Cameron is ready to move forward with Avatar 3, 4, and 5.

According to Box Office Mojo, Avatar 2 took in $20 million from North American cinemas over the weekend, while Puss in Boots: The Last Wish grabbed second place in its fifth week on the circuit. Killer AI companion M3GAN dropped to third place with a $9.8 million domestic haul, and globally, has made over $124.6 million so far.Two new arrivals on the cinema scene did some respectable numbers overall, as dramatic thriller had a fourth-place debut with $9.3 million domestically, and the anime feature film debut of That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime earned $1.4 million when it landed in eighth place.

January 20-22 US Box Office Results

  • Avatar: The Way of Water – $20 million
  • Puss in Boots: The Last Wish – $11.5 million
  • M3GAN – $9.8 million
  • Missing – $9.3 million
  • A Man Called Otto – $9 million
  • Plane – $5.2 million
  • House Party – $1.7 million
  • That Time I Got Reincarnated As a Slime: Scarlet Bond – $1.4 million
  • The Whale – $1.28 million
  • Black Panther: Wakanda Forever – $1.25 million

Sable – Análisis

Sable fue uno de los juegos que más llamó la atención cuando se anunció hace ya tres años en el PC Gaming Show de 2018. Su jugabilidad no estaba del todo clara y tampoco sabíamos mucho de su historia, pero entraba por los ojos por su inconfundible estilo visual inspirado en el cómic europeo y en concreto en Jean Giraud, Moebius. Lo más sorprendente es que está desarrollado por solo dos personas –Daniel Fineberg y Gregorio Kytheotis- que forman Shedworks, y este es su primer juego.

Deja la tribu y explora el mundo que se abre ante ti

Sable es un juego de exploración con una dosis de narrativa. El concepto y las mecánicas no son precisamente nuevas pero el equipo ha buscado una versión minimalista de estos aspectos para dar una atrevida vuelta de tuerca, aunque también hay aspectos mejorables fruto de la inexperiencia o la ambición del estudio.

Su arranque nos presenta a Sable, una joven con aspecto de nómada que se ve inmersa en un rito de iniciación –encontrar la máscara que representa su identidad- por un extenso mapa con desiertos rocosos, templos, ruinas de antiguas civilizaciones y restos de naves. Efectivamente la fantasía y su ambientación son uno de los puntos más interesantes del juego.

Sable no está sola en este mundo, en cierta manera nuestra acompañante será un aerodeslizador. Sin la vitalidad de un caballo pero con la misma función que hemos visto en otros juegos de rol o exploración -¡e incluso viene cuando lo pedimos!-: atravesar largos trayectos del mapa más rápidamente y por qué no, disfrutar del paisaje. Nuestra primera tarea será precisamente la de buscar unas piezas necesarias para fabricar nuestro vehículo, lo cual nos servirá para ver las líneas maestras de Sable en cuanto a gameplay, que bebe un poco de esa libertad de movimientos que hemos visto en The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild con un ritmo tranquilo, sin presiones.

Una vez conseguimos una misión -bastante genéricas- charlando con la gente de la aldea nos dirigimos a nuestro objetivo; unas veces estará señalizado y la brújula marcará la dirección, mientras que otras veces la información es más imprecisa y será necesario marcar el punto en el mapa o con nuestros catalejos. Existe un sistema de escalada con barra de agotamiento, así que mientras la altura entre dentro de nuestras posibilidades podremos escalar muros y rocas, saltar pequeñas secciones de plataformas o hacer uso de una habilidad para flotar en el aire que viene a ser el equivalente a planear. En ocasiones encontraremos puzles ligeros y peticiones de ayudar a otros clanes o nómadas, resolver misterios e incluso la posibilidad de personalizar a Sable y su aerodeslizador.

Inspeccionar el terreno con los medios que tenemos al alcance y conocer a otros personajes para conseguir nuevos objetivos o progresar en el que ya tenemos es el pilar jugable. No hemos mencionado el combate porque esta es otra de sus características: a diferencia de esos títulos que hemos citado, sean aventuras o RPG, aquí el equipo ha evitado introducir violencia o acción. Shadow of the Colossus tiene algunos puntos de conexión con la idea de exploración de Sable, pero incluso el juego de Japan Studio ofrecía el combate contra los jefes; aquí los desarrolladores debían hacer la exploración suficientemente interesante como para olvidar que no hay espadas, pistolas o una jugabilidad de este tipo. ¿Lo consigueCome from Online Betting Site? Sí, pero necesita que te impliques en este tipo de juegos.

El mundo de Sable es absorbente y muchos de los diálogos incluyen selección de respuestas, pero a la vez no existe una historia central como tal, sino el objetivo de encontrar la máscara que mejor se ajusta a nosotros. Es un experimento peculiar que se aleja de lo que muchos van a exigir a una aventura tradicional, y es parte de la gracia de los proyectos indie. Nadie imagina una superproducción de mundo abierto con tanta libertad que “asusta”, así que el equipo ha necesitado utilizar algunos trucos en el diseño para animar a la curiosidad de los jugadores. Por ejemplo esas ruinas de formas extrañas entre montañas y rocas: obviamente están ahí por alguna razón y destacan en el paisaje. ¿Qué son y qué esconden?

También hay alguna concesión para mecánicas clásicas como los coleccionables, la personalización de personaje y vehículo –cambia su comportamiento- o el viaje rápido entre zonas ya visitadas, pero obviamente Sable no es un juego para todos los paladares. Y eso no es malo. Pide un perfil de jugador con ganas de investigar por su cuenta; en ocasiones sí se marca un objetivo –que podemos ignorar- o un personaje nos indica dónde está la causa de su problema, pero otras veces se trata más de ir sin rumbo fijo a zonas inexploradas por ver qué campamento o criatura se esconde en el rincón del desierto. Más que un juego con principio y final, de aventura continua, Sable nos propone un amplio mapa de juego salpicado de pequeñas historias que descubrir por nuestra cuenta y ritmo. Puedes terminar cuando lo desees, pues basta con regresar al hogar y seleccionar alguna de las máscaras que tienes en tu poder, pero ¿es eso lo que buscas?

Evidentemente esta apuesta decidida por una exploración pura trae asperezas, que no llamaríamos fallos –son decisiones conscientes- sino aspectos que deberían enganchar más en un juego tan libre como este, que no es un título breve como pudiera ser Journey, sino una aventura que debe llamar nuestra atención durante más tiempo. Sin peligros o muerte, la principal mecánica jugable es la limitación de la escalada, es decir, buscar las paredes que podemos escalar para llegar a ese punto que nos interesa. Es inevitable pensar que quizás le sentaría bien incorporar mecánicas que diesen más variedad, pero también esta simpleza es lo que hace diferente a Sable. Un equilibrio difícil de conseguir y no se puede contentar a todos.

Una visión única del desierto

Uno de los puntos fuertes de Sable es su aspecto. Las limitaciones técnicas se esquivan con un aspecto visual muy potente de colores planos, líneas gruesas y una animación para la protagonista que va a menos imágenes por segundo que el resto del juego –es un truco visto en otros juegos que imitan el stop motion y que siempre es efectivo-. El temor a una ambientación limitada desaparece cuando vemos misteriosas estructuras naturales o artificiales, zonas un poco fantásticas y el sistema de horario dinámico que hace este desierto más vivo y con una paleta de colores que evoluciona con el tiempo. Un sombreado simple y efectivo pone la guinda a su ambientación.

La música es obra de Michelle Zauner, de Japanese Breakfast, y se complementa muy bien con lo que sucede en pantalla. Hay canciones y melodías para los momentos que lo necesitan, aunque también es verdad que gran parte del juego transcurre con sonidos más ambientales. No hay voces y los textos debutan en inglés, pero la desarrolladora tiene planes para añadir más idiomas a finales de año, entre ellos el español.


Sable gira en torno a la libertad de movimientos vista en otros mundos abiertos. La idea en sí no es original, pero sí lo es que prescinda de combates y que su narrativa esté dispersa en pequeñas historias de su desierto. Es un juego para disfrutar con calma, sin preocupaciones y como relax; habrá partidas de dos horas en las que apenas tengas un avance real y en otros momentos preferirás revelar más área del mapa. Es, en definitiva, el tipo de experiencias que buscamos de las producciones independientes: arriesgadas, frescas y con personalidad. Sable cumple todo esto, sea un juego para ti o no.

Hemos realizado este análisis en PC con un código que nos ha proporcionado Raw Fury. La desarrolladora es consciente de algunos problemas técnicos de nuestra versión que se solucionarán con actualizaciones.

What's In The Fortnite Item Shop Today – November 30, 2021- Cyber Infiltration Pack Returns

A new day brings a new-look Fortnite Item Shop. Today’s virtual store inventory includes another wide range of cosmetics, including licensed characters and Epic originals alike. From those who recruit Avengers to those who bust ghost, here’s everyone and everything in the Fortnite Item Shop for November 30, 2021.

What’s in the Fortnite Item Shop today, November 30, 2021

The highlight of today’s shop inventory is probably the Cyber Infiltration Pack. This bundle of three anime-style heroes only comes around every few months and brings with it a rare cel-shaded style that only a small handful of Fortnite skins have ever been given. The pack is only sold as a bundle, but unlike many such bundles, it can be purchased using your already exisiting V-Bucks balance, so you don’t need to throw down any extra cash if you already have the 2,200 V-Bucks asking price. Here’s everything in the Cyber Infiltration Pack:

  • Chigusa skin
  • Megumi skin
  • Yuki skin (with extra style option)
  • Watchful Wabbit back bling
  • Guard Pup back bling
  • H4CK // P4Ck back bling

If you’re not into anime, perhaps Marvel is more your style. The Fortnite Nick Fury skin remains in the store and will likely be there for a few more days. When it was decrypted as a new S.H.I.E.L.D. character, fans expected it to be Hawkeye, but the star of the latest Disney+ show has not yet popped up in Fortnite–it’s only a matter of time, we’d bet.

Elsewhere in the shop, you can also check out the full range of Ghostbusters cosmetics, including all 10 characters plus accessories and a traversal emote that features the original earworm of a theme song. As for Fortnite original characters, the likes of the pawn-shaped Paradox, the imposing Guardian Immortal, and the Nevermore bundle, featuring Raven and Ravage, all return for a limited time, likely just today.

For a full overview of the store today, check out iFireMonkey’s tweet.

Wheel Of Time Stars Discuss How The Series Separates Itself From Game Of Thrones_1

Prime Video’s Wheel of Time series, based on the beloved and best-selling fantasy series of the same name, took a lot of criticism for its first season, but after two years and solid viewership, Season Two will arrive September 1 on the streaming service.

Having filmed seasons two and three back-to-back, and with the main goal being able to get five altogether, the show takes some rather large liberties with how the story unfolds compared to the book series. The Wheel of Time book series consists of 14 main books, with a prequel novel detailing the origins of Moiraine and Lan, played by Rosamund Pike and Daniel Henney on the show, respectively.

However, the biggest challenge for the series to get there might not be fan backlash, but the fact that even though The Wheel of Time predates A Song of Fire and Ice’s publication date, the show has a lot of catching up to do to be part of the cultural zeitgeist the same way Game of Thrones has for over a decade. To complicate that even more, Amazon is also home to a show with an even larger following–The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power.

Talking to GameSpot about the upcoming season, stars Pike and Josha Stradowski (Sony’s Gran Turismo) broke down how they think The Wheel of Time breaks through the noise of other fantasy series and what sets it apart.

“I mean, Robert Jordan was the bridge, wasn’t he, between Tolkien and George RR Martin,” Pike said. “I think what made him stand apart at the time–and still does–is his investigation of what the world looks like with women having access to the greatest power on Earth and being the gatekeepers of that power.”

In The Wheel of Time series, a society of women known as Aes Sedai are able to use a force called the One Power, but men who channel the same power eventually go mad. Stradowski’s Rand al’Thor is the only man who is supposedly allowed to use the power but also prophesied to save the world. However, the same prophecy says after he saves the world from the ultimate evil, he will destroy it.

“His interest isn’t solely in women, which is to do a disservice to the man who will ultimately break or save the world: Rand al’Thor, the Dragon Reborn,” Pike added as she compared Rand’s presence in the world to an atomic bomb. “I think the diversity of his cast of characters is truly jaw-dropping and the way that so many women, in particular, who often feel excluded from fantasy, can read themselves into a myriad of fascinating characters is something that did set him apart.”

Macau Gaming-Related Crime Rate Increased 24% in Q1 2023

The Office of the Secretary for Security of Macau presented the statistics indicating that the popular gaming destination recorded 158 cases of crime related to gaming operations in the first quarter of 2023. The gaming-related crime rate of the region represents around 24 percent higher figure than the same period last year that saw 127 cases connected to the gaming field, as GGRAsia reports.

However, the criminal record of the city has reportedly decreased since the pre-pandemic period. Indeed, in comparison to the year 2019, the present gaming-related crime count testifies about a 64 percent reduction over the last four years, according to the presented statistics.

Gaming-Related Crime Increase:

But the figures increased over the last year. The authorities reportedly consider the post-Covid re-opening of the gambling facilities the main reason for the increased number of criminal cases linked to gaming activities. As GGRAsia reports, the authorities believe that the ease of the cross-border policies as of January 8, 2023 led to “a rapid rise in the number of visitors to Macau and the gradual recovery of the [city’s] gaming industry.”

Such a rise in the number of visitors has also increased the probability of criminal behavior. According to the source, the first quarter of 2023 recorded a total of 40 fraud cases related to gaming, which stands for a 17.6 percent higher level when compared to Q1 2022. Also, five gambling-related loan sharking cases were recorded representing a 50% lower level than the same period last year.

In the observed period, the criminal offenses committed in the gaming facilities or otherwise related to gambling operations also included 28 people banned from entering the resorts, 28 cases of gaming-linked thefts, and 19 cases of  “illegitimate appropriation,” according to the source. The number of these cases was reportedly higher than in the prior year’s quarter and respectively ranged from 25% to 210% over the first quarter of 2022.

Money Exchange Fraud :

The authorities reportedly worked together with the six concessionaires to “reinforce the number of inspections carried out by the police” in and around the gambling facilities. The Office of the Secretary for Security also reported that the authorities particularly monitored the occurrence of illegal money exchange activities associated with some mainland Chinese groups ”operating” in the gaming sector.

The Office reportedly detected 3,655 people involved in these activities over the first three months of 2023. Although this number was 79 percent higher on the year-on-year basis, the authority reportedly said that “there was no considerable rise in associated crimes.”

Crime Rate Follows Market Growth:

The Office reportedly added: “Most of the people were from mainland China, a fact that reflects a more professional trend and group activity. It is believed that the increase [in the number of cases] is strictly related to the easing of the epidemic situation, the facilitation of cross-border policies and the recovery of the gaming sector.”

As the source reports, Macau recorded a total of 3,006 criminal cases in the first quarter of 2023, which is 17 percent more than the prior year’s quarter. The opening of the city after the pandemic has brought multiple benefits, but the number of those illegally attempting to take advantage of the growing industry respectively increased in the first three months of 2023. The authorities indicated that gaming-related fraud might have been expected and worked with the operators to either prevent or sanction these as Macau continues the growth.